30 Jahre schwarz auf weiß / Trent'anni nero su bianco
30 Years in black and white
In various ways, this issue draws on the thirtieth anniversary of the historical journal Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione, which was celebrated in August 2022. It takes inspiration from the ideas articulated in the symposium accompanying the anniversary event, as well as gathering together contributions that do not necessarily relate directly to the festive occasion but can be read as emblematic of the journal’s development and editorial policy over the past thirty years.
In contrast to previous issues of the journal, this one does not contain a specific thematic focus, but includes three freestanding articles, which look respectively at: the postal history of the town of Rovereto; the links between migration and demographic development on the upland plain of Tesino; and environmental historical approaches to the history of preindustrial cities in Central Europe. In addition, the issue offers a decidedly broad forum section, divided into three parts. The first of these explores possible areas of interaction between Postcolonial Studies and regional history. The next part contains a reflection on the present situation and standing of the journal via an interview between two members of its founding generation and two current editors from a younger generation. Finally, two thematically unlinked contributions round off the third part of the forum.