Krieg und Geschlecht / Guerra e genere

23 (2014), 2


Siglinde Clementi / Oswald Überegger


This issue is dedicated to women’s and gender history of the First World War, thereby bringing a topic of World War history to the fore that has long been neglected and pushed aside—especially in regional history. The contributions attempt to retrace the path followed up to now by historical science in the German-language and Italian-language area on the one hand while simultaneously focusing on results of more recent regional studies on the Alpine space on the other.

ABSTRACTS articles (eng)


Krieg und Geschlecht / Guerra e genere



Rezensionen / Recensioni

, (Ed.)
Katastrophenjahre. Der Erste Weltkrieg und Tirol
La guerra italiana. Partire, raccontare, tornare. 1914–1918
La vittoria senza pace. Le occupazioni militari italiane alla fine della Grande Guerra
Zur Kulturgeschichte Österreichs und Ungarns 1890–1938. Auf der Suche nach verborgenen Gemeinsamkeiten
, , , , , , , , (Ed.)
Schlussbericht der Kommission zur Untersuchung der Vorgänge um den Anstaltsfriedhof des Psychiatrischen Krankenhauses in Hall in Tirol in den Jahren 1942 bis 1945