Studentische Gewalt / Violenza studentesca (1914-1945)

28 (2019), 1


Martin Göllnitz / Matteo Millan



After the First World War, large parts of Europe were unable to overcome the postwar societal state in which public participation in politics was sometimes accompanied by a high degree of internal political violence. Militant behavior played a key role especially for the newly forming right and the paramilitary associations. Youths and students in particular were important multipliers in such movements since they viewed them as fields of experimentation for violent experiences, often concealing their lack of combat experience during the war with increasing brutality against internal and external enemies.

This issue focused on student violence between 1914 and 1945 investigates the regional dimensions of collegiate spaces and cultures of violence. At the fore is the question how regional circumstances could accelerate or dampen processes of radicalization and which specific cultures of violence developed in the different regional spaces.

ABSTRACTS articles (eng) GRSR 28 (2019), 1


Studentische Gewalt / Violenza studentesca (1914-1945)



Rezensionen / Recensioni

, , (Ed.)
50 Jahre Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Bd. 1: Eine „Hochschule neuen Stils“; Bd. 2: Innovationsfelder in Forschung, Lehre und universitärem Alltag
, (Ed.)
Stadt und Gewalt
Körper, Selbst und Melancholie. Die Selbstzeugnisse des Landadeligen Osvaldo Ercole Trapp (1634–1710)
Neuorientierung einer Elite. Aristokratie, Ständewesen und Loyalität in Galizien (1772–1795)
Zu Gast in Schluderbach. Georg Ploner, die Fremdenstation und die Anfänge des Tiroler Alpintourismus
, (Ed.)
La guerra italo-austriaca (1915–18)
, (Ed.)
Italien und Österreich im Mitteleuropa der Zwischenkriegszeit / Italia e Austria nella Mitteleuropa tra le due guerre mondiali
Mussolini’s Nation-Empire: Sovereignty and Settlement in Italy’s Borderlands, 1922–1943
Südtiroler in der Waffen-SS: Vorbildliche Haltung, fanatische Überzeugung
Toni Ebner (1918–1981). Südtiroler Politiker, Journalist, Unternehmer